Replied to
I question whether or not anyone will care about what I am posting publicly and often talk myself out of it. I think the question is always why you want to share the information. But I know one of the reasons is because I hope to interact with others. The pieces for interaction…the plumbing of posting and responding, consuming with a reader are coming together. There are still some gaps to make it a smooth experience for many. I have made an effort to post more. But it is how easy I have made that which helps, and how rarely it starts a dialogue that disappoints me. The incentive for public posting is interaction as private posting is just for you.

  1. You begin with the wrong question. Don’t write because you want “others to care” write about what you care about and if you push content those who have similar interest will find you.
    David Shanske is an encyclopedia of cool stuff! Get it out there. Set a challenge to write a 150 words a day for thirty days and go for it!

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