On September 13, 1964, Martin Luther King Jr, while visiting West Berlin, insisted on visiting East Berlin and delivered a sermon at a church there. The services were completely filled, even though his visit was on very short notice.

Syndication Links 4.0.0 Released

Today, from my hotel room in Berlin, Germany, where I am preparing to attend Indiewebcamp Berlin, my first European Indiewebcamp, I released Syndication Links 4.0.0.
The major version number change is because in this version, Syndication Links takes on a new role. As promised previously, I’ve built new syndication code and added supported for Bridgy and Indienews, which both uses Webmentions to trigger a syndication action. This is disabled by default.
As my first live use outside of testing, I’m using the plugin to send this post to Indienews and Twitter(via Bridgy).
The new code adds the concept of a syndication provider, which, when registered, adds the provider as a syndication target for Micropub clients as well as adds it to the WordPress classic editor as a series of checkboxes, er postone for each service.
The Bridgy Publish plugin I announced deprecation on had additional options on a per post and a global level. While the global settings will be coming back in a future version, I likely will not bring back the per-post settings.
Instead, I’d like to add more intelligence behind these decisions, based on other properties of the post. A checkbox is all you should need. The same with auto-syndication. If you decide you want everything to go to Twitter or some site, it shouldn’t check the box…there shouldn’t be a box at all. It should just go, even if there are some more parameters to make that decision…type of post, etc.
So, you are either all in, or in on a per post basis.
I look forward to feedback. This is only the beginning. I hope to do what I did for displaying syndication links, and interface with existing plugins in addition to writing my own integrations.

Announced My Website Version 3.0

Back in April, I announced Version 2.0 of this website, since I relaunched it. Now I announce Version 3.0. I wrote the code again, which continues to be a learning experience.

But in order to finish it, I needed to bring it live, so I could test out the various options I’m experimenting with. There is a lot similar to the previous edition. For now, the links to various syndication and communications methods, as well as a search box, are shared on the menu bar with the various ways to filter content.

In addition to Articles, longer form text like this, you can see the types of notes I’ve been filing. There is still more to do to clean that up. A lot of it is based on a custom plugin for WordPress I wrote to add Likes, Replies, and other common conventions, as well as the necessary markup for them. My development of this site and its plugins is why I now have the Github link to that work.

The site is continuing to iterate, and I’m continuing to learn. In the meantime, comments are appreciated. I have more to do. Writing pieces like this is aspirational.

  • Such as bring back the syndication links on individual posts, which involves rewriting that, which is another plugin
  • I have two other options coded for a banner image to test
  • The Bio on the Sidebar is still part of a bunch of behind the scenes development I want to do


Screenshot from 2014-09-06 23:49:10


And all of this…and I haven’t actually been writing much. Oh, well.